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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:07 pm    Post subject:

End users do not have to maintenance our devices. For clinics and Dermatologists it is only a must if the local law requires such a test after e.g. 2 years .

Shipping time: if you ship something back with air mail it takes round 4 days to arrive here in Germany, if there is a need for service we are normally speedy and within 2 days we can return e.g. repaired or maintenanced devices. So there is no need to worry that this will take weeks, although sometimes customs is the reason for delayed packages, or like now we we've got tsome problems because of very bad weather with tons of snow and airplanes can't fly, but this is not normal.
Seattle Mike
PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:25 pm    Post subject: Idromed 5 PC unit

How often does the unit, itself, need to be "maintenanced?" Do I send it from the US to Germany for that? Also, if/when I do send it, what does one do in the interim without the treatment? I'm assuming it takes a few weeks to go back/forth between here and Germany. Does that mean you start all over once you get the machine back? Thanks much.

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