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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:32 pm    Post subject: flexible silicone electrodes

The online shop has been updated and the silicon electrodes are available here:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:34 am    Post subject: iontophoresis electrodes

Sorry no, at the moment we do not provide Zinc electrodes.

I would say that the dangers of Aluminum and steel electrodes are minimal and that there is too much hype about this issue. Aluminum and steel electrodes do not corrode and can conduct electricity and are therefore ideal for Iontophoresis applications.

I have sold thousands of these devices and have never heard from anyone who has had a health issue due to using our machines and electrodes. Moreover, all other Iontophoresis device manufacturers that I know of also use aluminum and steel electrodes.

If you guess that say 20,000 Iontophoresis devices have been sold worldwide each year for the past 40 years, how come no reports have arisen in the media about health or toxicity problems that some of the millions of users experienced?

And yes, there are flexible electrodes made from silicone that you will be able to buy from us within the next few days when they are available in our shop. Aluminum and stainless steel electrodes are not flexible and you need them in some special cases to "fit" the body.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:52 am    Post subject: Zinc electrodes

Is it possible to buy zinc electrodes? Ive been reading about toxicity of aluminium and stainless steel electrodes and apparently pure zinc electrodes is the safest. Any one have any more information? Also what are the silicone electrodes mentioned elsewhere in this forum?

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