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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:44 pm    Post subject:

That is why homemade iontophoresis devices can be dangerous. The manufacturer recommends 15 mA as a safe setting to get no burns (but this depends on the thickness of the skin in the area being treated).

In your case, I sent you a pm with a routine and tip about the mA you can use.

Most homemade devices have another simple problem: you have a voltage (e.g., 12 volts) that you can feel more, because to have a therapeutic effect there must flow more than 35 mA, or you have no possibility to regulate the voltage, or even not the mAmps.

-- Hidrex goes up to 60 volt at 35 mA idromed 72 Volt at 25 mA.

-- A homemede device is mostly a car battery and there you can't adjust it to a 60-72 volt current.

So 12 volt is too little , you have more than 12 volt adjusted with the Hidrex, right? With a homemade device you have the problem of a fixed voltage and you can't regulate the mA.

Furthermore , changes in sometimes non stable current circuits can feel uncomfortable. You can't compare the currents of our clinically approved Iontophoresis units with homemade iontophoresis devices.

Currents over 35 mA and a defined voltage can be dangerous for your life! Even with a non-medical power supply (WHAT IS A "NON-MEDICAL" POWER SUPPLY)?

I would not recommend using a homemade iontophoresis device!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:36 pm    Post subject:

thx, I just finished my first session using 15mA on my hands. It says that the maximum setting for the hands is 15 mA, but i feel like it's not strong enough because when I used the homemade device before with baking soda, my palms would have a stronger tingling effect compared to this one. Do I need to increase even though the recommended setting is 15mA? If I can increase, what's the maximum that YOU recommend?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:43 pm    Post subject:

You do not need to add anything to the water with this iontophoresis unit.

Idromed GS is the same as Idromed DC.

GS stands for GleichStrom (in German), which means Direct Current (in English).
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:54 am    Post subject: General Questions about Idromed 5

I just received the package from Markus, i have a few questions:

1) The device is called Idromed 5 GS, but I ordered Idromed 5 DC, did you send me the wrong one?

2) I used to do treatments using the homemade Iontopheresis device, where I would add baking soda to make the water hard. However, this causes the Aluminum plates to rust, will that happen to your plates? I ordered the Premium Stainless Steel plates.

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