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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:40 am    Post subject:

No, that's not what I'm saying. Of course polarities matter!
+Pole: has a bigger effect
-Pole: has more side effects
--> This is why we recommend to always change polarities, to avoid for example, only the left hand being treated with + and the right only with -
But, when treating hands and feet simultaneously, we recommend to treat the feet with + and the hands with -
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:45 pm    Post subject:

Are you saying polarities don't matter, only the size of the surface matters? I'm getting really confused now because it's different from what I've been reading on this forum. I remember seeing a reply by "support" calcualting the effective current based on polarities but can't find it now.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:56 pm    Post subject:

Well, you can't say that the current splits itself in 4 equal parts when treating Hands and feet simultaneously, for example. But it kind of divides itself on the surface that is treated. So the feet get a bit more current because their surface is a bit bigger than the hands surface. This is why I said to treat hands and feet separately. This way you might get the 100%.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:30 pm    Post subject:

Right now I'm treating both hands and feet at the same time. Feet on + polarity and hands on - polarity. What's the effective current that goes into my feet and hands?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:40 am    Post subject:

The Thing is that you're already treating with the highest possible current, so there is nothing we can do about that. You have already 30 Minute session, you could increase to 45 minutes and see if that brings you to the 100%. You can also try using bottled Mineral water. Many users have better results with bottled water. Reduce the water a Little more, to 200ml-250ml. It can also be possible that you can't go further than 90% dryness.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:49 pm    Post subject:

I've had the same level of dryness for about 5 days now, even thoguht I continue to treat the same way everyday--in fact, I noticed it may have got slightly worse.

Is this normal? Will I ever achieve complete dryness under this setting?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:45 am    Post subject:

Dear yuanli,

Your Settings seem good to me, I would only reduce the water Level even more. I think ybout 200-250ml of water in each tray should be enough.
I would Keep going as you have until now, sometimes it can take more than 3 weeks until reaching 100% success.
One other thing you could try is to treat your Hands and feet separately. This might help achieving a 100% success on both.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:02 pm    Post subject: idromed

I started using Idromed 5 PC since June 14th, 2015, so far I've had remarkable improvement but not complete dry as described by some others. I need some advice on what I should do next.

Below is what I have done so far:

1) Phase I: from 06/14/2015-06/27/2015, treated hands and feett simutaneouly for 15 mins everyday at 25mA, with 1000 ml warm tap water in each tray:
achieved only 50% dryness in this phase. After reading through help section, realized probably should increase time and reduce water amount--hence phase II

2) Phase II: from 06/28/2015-07/05/2015, treated hands and feet simultaneously for 30 mins everyday at 25mA, with 500 ml warm tap water in each tray:
achieved 90% dryness after about 10 days. However, after 14 days now, I can still feel sweat coming through figure and toe tips when in nervous situations.

My question is: should I continue to treat the same way in order to achieve complete dryness or should I change any parameters?

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