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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:04 pm    Post subject:

You're welcome! Wink
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:03 pm    Post subject:

Thank you very much for the reply!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:03 am    Post subject:


1. Please read the following post:
2. The water should be clean but of course you can use the same water for hands and for feet (just wash with water the parts that you have to treat before each session).
3. The therapy should never hurt. If you feel discomfort that's a sign for to high current settings (or to much water in trays). Here you can find some useful information on how to find the right treatment settings:
We also have an other video:
4. If you reduce the water quantity it will be easier!
5. Just see under:
Keep us updated!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:38 am    Post subject: Some questions...

Hello. I have recevied today my hidrex psp1000 iontophoresis machine, I have carefully read the booklet that was included and I have already had my first treatment (hands, feet, underarms).
I have some questions though and I was wondering if you can help me.

1. How much water do I have to put in the trays? (half the height of each tray?)
2. Do I have to change the water after treating my hands and before treating my feet or I can use the same water?
3. While treating my hands and feet I felt an itchy discomfort (that I could handle). After the treatment there wasn't any severe redness or burn on my hands/feet. Does that mean that I am using it correclty?
4. Is there an easy way to empty the tray after the treatment? It' s pretty heavy and I spilt a lot of water on the floor trying to move it from the bedroom to the bathroom.
5. What is the schedule I have to follow now that I am a begginer user?

Thanks in advance and I hope with all my heart that this will work!

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