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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:43 pm    Post subject:

First a big respect for doing something in a non-profit org!
To your problems with the sweat it would be helpful to know when exactly did it start to get worse (you lost your leg, after this it started or was there a lapse in between)?
Also tell me somehting about your mental health during the time that it got worse, and the week before it started.
Sometimes, when sweating is getting worse through psychic conditions - it is a self-running system. This might also be be stopped the same way that it began.
You said you sweat on the arms, please give me the exact point you do not sweat as you say you do NOT sweat at the palm of the hands, right?
You say you don't abuse drugs, so if I read between the lines you have used some, right? If yes, give me a call and tell me wich ones and if there is a correspondence between psychic reactions after the use of drugs, flashbacks.
You took a lot of medications after the amputation, I guess like Dipi (Piritramid), which is a synthetic opiate, and one of the strongest painkillers avialable. This might also be a trigger.
As we are not specialists for the all of your problems , we would pass (if you agree to this) all your questions to a specialist .Around the corner we have a Hyperhidrosis Clinic and I will ask the Doctor there to take a closer look into it and what he maybe can suggest you, at no cost to you .
We have had a similar case and I asked him to give us his story about treating his Hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis on his head back and stomach, but up to now he has not done this (will ask him again). Iontophoresis is also a option and although you do not sweat on the hands it can have an impact when treating the hands (as the current runs also through the skin from one pole to the other) however Iontophoresis with tap water will be a time consuming thing if you re not one of the lucky ones treating only some minutes a week. Iontophoreiss in your case surely must be a multi performance, you can treat one time chest and back, also the arms, and with a bit luck also the head and neck, or the head and neck with seperate treatments. There is also the option to take glyco in the water, this can reduce treatment times dramatically, also possible systemic side effects could be reduced (through local appliance).
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:43 am    Post subject: Embarrasing sweat ... from the waist up

I just purchased 2 bottles of your antipersperant spray.

I had my left leg amputated below the knee on active duty in the U.S. Navy several years ago. Each year I started to sweat more and more.

I now sweat so profusely that I look like I jumped in a swimming pool. I sweat from the waist up only. My palms, underarms, and feet do not sweat hardly at all.

It starts on my forehead, then my head and neck, and then my chest and back and arms. I will sweat like this in 60 degree Farenheight weather even I live in Florida and it is unbareable to be outside in the summer.

I have tried to seek help from VA Doctors and they told me there was no medication or surgery for it, which was bullshit as I found out later.

I then saw a specialist civilian Doc, and he never saw a case like mine and refused to help. He was too woried about liability I guess.

I try to stay in shape. I am 39yrs old. I am 6'3" and weigh 225lbs. I run several miles a week on my prosthetic and I lift weigjts for an hour each day 6 days a week. I don't abuse drugs and I eat healthy.

Can you please tell me what you think of my problem and tell me what would help. I am on a limited income being medically retired just to keep in mind.

I am in a non profit Veterans Org that raises money for homeless and disabled military veterans and help children's charities and orphaned disabled children around the hollidays.

Sometimes I sweat so bad at these functions that people think I am having a heart attack or very sick. I have to greet people attending our functions and it is embarrasing. I am at the point that I wish I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I always a ssumed my loss of limb would be my biggest obstacle which I overcame.

I've been taking robinul 2mg twice a day for sweating and it only helps very little. I don't know where to turn to. Every Doctor I saw about this offered botox, but I don't sweat from my palms or underarms.

Thank you very much for your time.

Very Respectfully,

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