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PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:11 pm    Post subject:


To switch between Volt and mA you simply press the grey button with the two arrows on it. When the LED light beneath the picture of the two arrows (on the left side) does not shine, then you have the electric tension in Volt. Please note that you have to be on the "Setup-Mode" to be able to change this (see p. 12-13 on the manual).

1- It could be the same, but in order to be sure you have to try this out. Iontophoresis is a very individual therapy. Everybody has to find the best settings with some trial and error.

2- Once you have reached dryness you can start with the maintenance treatment. Normally it's recommended to reduce the frequency gradually. Please read the following post:

3- If the sweating returns, that means that the break is too long, so you'll have to go back and treat more often until the sweat stops again.

Keep us updated!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:49 pm    Post subject: note

Sorry , i am not sure if 30 are V or mA but sure you will know. I can increase to 31 , 32....
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:14 pm    Post subject: Manteinance phase HIDREX PSP1000

Hello ,

I bought HIDREX PSP one month ago in order to treat my sweaty hands , i feel that i hace quite medium-severe hiperhidrosis.

I treat myself during 5 days one hour per day and i had to stop because i had to travel.

It's effect has been clearly positive , after that 5 hours in 5 days my palms became totally dry .

After that 5 days , i started de manteinance phase treating myself 45 minutes per week , after 4 weeks with dry hands now i feel the sweaty hands are returning. I think i maybe have to treat myself more time.

i feel good with 30 mA and 100 intensity (DC) although i have de PC Device.

My questions are...

1- Is it better to treat 15 minutes in 3 days? , or does the device produces the same effect in one day 45 minutes (as i am doing). I prefer 45 minutes in one day but if the device produces better results in several days i will try.

2- How many time per week in manteinance phase do you recommend me to try? i suppose it depends on the feeling of each patient. Now i feel a little wet hands so ¿do i have yo try for example 2 days per week 45 minutes? , ¿maybe several days 15 minutes?

3- What happens if the manteinance phase does not work and the wet hand returns with full plenty? Do i have to restart the first phase of the treatment in order to return to manteinance phase?

I feel the effect is positive after the first phase but i have to tune the times for manteinance mode , and feel if is the same the treatment in one day o several being the treatment time the same.

Thank you in advance.

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