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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:27 am    Post subject:

If the results achieved are still not satisfactory, it's normally appropriate to try to increase the treatment settings and / or the treatment frequency.
Do you feel comfortable with 25 volts and 70% pulse width? Have you already tried to go higher? Please let us know!
If users can't reach higher settings, they mostly can get better results treating more often, especially doing extra treatments for those parts that are still sweating, i.e. fingertips.
Please note that some supplements, vitamins and medications can affect negatively the therapy results. Are you still taking some of them?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:16 am    Post subject:

I have been using iontophoresis for quite some time now, 7+ months. I think I've only been getting moderate results this entire time, and right now I'm starting to get frustrated and am even considering ETS surgery if I can't get an improvement - but I know that is a very dangerous and expensive option to take so I am leaving that as a very very last resort.

Here is my current issue:

Most parts of my hands are dry. Initially I wasn't getting results until I increased the time, the voltage, and decreased the amount of water. Then my hands got dry except the sides, fingertips, and sides of fingers. I started using cotton gloves a couple months in, and now the sides of the hands are mostly dry but do still get cold, which I can live with. BUT what bothers me is the fingertips and sides of fingers, they still sweat a lot and get VERY cold, and I've been avoiding holding hands with my girlfriend since we've been together 1 year ago and this is really starting to bum me out as I had high hopes for iontophoresis.

I currently do two treatments a week - one on Tuesdays and one on Fridays for 30 minutes each at 25 volts & 70% pulsewidth. I haven't noticed any better results on the days I do iontophoresis compared to the days in between. I feel like 30 minutes is more than enough time per session.

I'm stuck here. What other things can I try with iontophoresis? More treatments? Higher volts? Please help and/or provide links that will help me out.

Thank you!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:34 am    Post subject:


No problem, you can find it here:
for hands:,highlight,cotton+glow.html
for feet:,highlight,sock.html
PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:06 am    Post subject:

so I've had significant improvement, about 2/3 of my hands are dry, the remaining 1/3 still sweats A LOT -- and that part that still sweats is the fingertips, sides of fingers, and sides of hand (only my palms are dry now).

I don't have enough time in the week to do seperate treatments for my fingers; so what is the cotton glove technique? I've seen it once browsing this forum but can't seem to find it. A copy of that or a link to it would be extremely helpful, thanks!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:05 pm    Post subject:

OK... please no private links in signature and comments (this is a Hyperhidrosis board) !
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:41 am    Post subject:

Significant sweat reduction after lowering water to 500ml, increasing time to 30 minutes, and increasing voltage to 37. Will post update in a week.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:22 pm    Post subject:

..... cross
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:50 pm    Post subject:

OK so I'm on my 23rd day of treatment, i've increased the volts up to 35 volts, lowered the water level to only 500ml, and increased my treatment time to 30 minutes. Hopefully my initial treatment phase will be over soon and I'll be totally dry *crossing fingers*. Will reply with updates....
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:30 am    Post subject:

Keep us updated!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:43 am    Post subject:

thanks for the quick reply! I'm going to start increasing the voltage starting on my next session
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:44 pm    Post subject:


....... about 25 volts now .
The constellation with the pulse width : it seemed that you could drive much more current with a 60% setting or a 50% setting... however we send you through the link how to adjust the best pulse rate with the Hidrex, we believe the setup you have now is the best setting that is avialable for you. Also any other will lead to lower voltages ... congratulations....

- In %, how much better is the sweating than before starting the therapy? 40% better

40% -only 40 % ?
OK you are right , we all want to have 100%, and this is absolutly our goal, but a 40% ??? if you would earn 40% more, do you call this "slight" ???? yep, than you must earn such a lot that it does .not matter how much it is....

Only when using the Hidrex PSP1000
- How high is the Pulse Width set for each treated area? 70%

see above.....

Does the therapy hurt in parts of the treated areas? No

If it does not hurt and the skin is ok, where is the reason agianst going higher till you have the feel: it is no more comfortable (like stated in the manual and in the link we sent you)

Ok you got the feeling, that IF you would do, it would hurt, but: Is this real or only a "thought"? We are talking about facts, if you know what i mean.....

If NO: Do you think you could increase the current without feeling pain or skin irritations? Possibly, maybe not.
This maybe answers the "above"

Why not increase the current? I'm very close to it starting to hurt, I feel a moderate strength tingling sensation if I increase more it will probably start hurting.

the idea is to get to the border either : it hurts , or the skin is stressed

if you are at the border: reduce !!!!! till it is ok....

if you are away: get higher is not a bad idea to safe time and treatment frequencys
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:33 pm    Post subject:

Ok here are my replies to the link supplied above:
Hidrex PSP1000

-for Hands[/b]

Initial Treatment was done every day? In the past 19 days I skipped one day the first week then one day the second week

In the past 19 days I skipped one day the first week then one day the second week
20 minutes about 25 volts now
40% better
at 70% Pulse

It does not hurt
I'm very close to it starting to hurt, I feel a moderate strength tingling sensation if I increase more it will probably start hurting. I sweat at Palms, fingers, finger tips, side of hands

Water: All the way to the sides of my hands and most of my fingertips but does NOT reach the backs of hands or anything
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:59 pm    Post subject:

Please fill out:

The idea behind going down with the pulse is to enable the users to drive higher voltages...
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:14 am    Post subject:

OK so I've done it for 17 days now and still only a small reduction in sweating. I'm following the same routine as my post above.

"I fill the tubs with either cold water or room temperature water.

I fill up the water to the point where it touches the sides of my hands and the bottom portion of the fingertips.

For two days I did it for 15 minutes, all the other days I did for 20 minutes.

I started at 6 volts and normally do about 15 volts with warm water. However when I put cold water I find I could withstand about 23 volts.

I'm using the Hidrex PSP1000.

I've noticed a small reduction in sweating, but the thing is I use a aluminum chloride solution 5 nights a week so I have a feeling that if I stop the solution sweating may be pretty intense still. "

Oh yeah I forgot to add that I'm at 70% pulse.

Am I doing something wrong here?? Maybe I am using too much water, does that make a big difference? Will I notice the maximum effect after 21 days as suggested? I'm getting a bit worried, I thought this would work for me 100% and I expected to be completely dry by the end of the next 5 days. Most of the time I can be relatively dry, but when I start sweating while driving or at work it gets pretty wet still. Help! Confused
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:26 am    Post subject:

10 days is maybe not enough time for you to see a big improvement, it will surely start to change soon...
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:26 pm    Post subject: Limited Success 7 months In

So far I've been using iontophoresis for 11 days, however I did miss ONE day my 3rd day in, so technically only 10 days.

I fill the tubs with either cold water or room temperature water.

I fill up the water to the point where it touches the sides of my hands and the bottom portion of the fingertips.

For two days I did it for 15 minutes, all the other days I did for 20 minutes.

I started at 6 volts and normally do about 15 volts with warm water. However when I put cold water I find I could withstand about 23 volts.

I'm using the Hidrex PSP1000.

I've noticed a small reduction in sweating, but the thing is I use a aluminum chloride solution 5 nights a week so I have a feeling that if I stop the solution sweating may be pretty intense still.

Looking to see if it's too soon to tell or if I should make any changes to my routine. Also if there are any recommendations. Thanks in advance!!

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