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PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:56 pm    Post subject:

Dear Sweden,
Sure Iontophoresis is a highly successful treatment against sweaty feet. You can see some Reviews from our users in the iontophoresis success forum

If you have success with Iontophoresis and you stop the Ionto Treatments the sweat will return again, how long this period is must be determined by trial and error.

Iontophoresis itself is a highly variable therapy form for Hyperhidrosis, so no one can say in advance how Long you have to treat till it works (or if it works at all), how long, strong or often you have to treat to maintain sweat freeness...

to learn more about iontophoreis please read through this , there your requests are described
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:44 pm    Post subject: Tired of my wet feet!!!

I am 40 and live in Sweden. Have had to deal with my wet feet and palms since I was a child.

I had surgery done 15 years ago to get dry palms which was successful. Still my feet are a huge problem. The health care in Sweden do not do surgery for either hand or feet no longer since the side effects were too severe for too many patients. Luckily I was not one of them.

Thought that I could handle living with very wet feet as long as I at least got dry palms. But it really is horrible and I feel that I have to do something about it. At this point health care in Sweden is offering any help for these conditions so if you want to try Botox you need to go to a private clinic and pay for it on your own. However I am not much for Botox... Saw this tv show from the UK were Iontophoresis was described and managed to find this website.

Just tell me your story... Is it as good at is appears to be? How fast does it work on feet? do you need to continue using it for the rest of your life? and how often?

Is it worth the money?! Cool

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